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We moved to the Bahamas!!

Writer: Ana GomezAna Gomez

Sorry we haven’t been updating our news in the blog enough...

For all of you following our adventures on Facebook, Instagram or via our Newsletter, this might not be news for you, but we wanted to update it in the blog too!

Last autumn, while trying to decide on what to do during the winter, while looking for some work to keep supporting our adventures, Lloyd got a job offer as Technical Manager for a yacht charter company in the Bahamas. So crazy and adventurous as we are, we decided to go for it! . The adventure takes us away from Ambrym for now, but it's an experience we couldn't say no to!!

We put Ambrym safely out of the water in Greece, and after spending some beautiful days back in Ireland (Ana joined for a week before going back to Spain) he packed again and flew to the Caribbean!

Bureaucracy and Work Visas for the Bahamas take long and are complicated, so Lloyd started learning the ropes with the company at other bases in The Caribbean first. Between December and March, he stayed in Saint Marteen, British Virgin Islands and Antigua. Ana joined for about a month for Christmas and we could take some time exploring the amazing places and learning a bit about the local cultures. It’s been such an amazing experience so far!

Middle March we finally made it to The Bahamas. We are so excited to finally be here and we are looking forward to exploring every corner of our new home.

The Bahamas is more than 700 islands… so where exactly are we?

At the moment, we are in Nassau – New Providence Island. It’s the capital of the country, the central island of the archipelago, and the main hub for business and transport. It’s also where Lloyd’s company’s main base in The Bahamas is located at the moment.

But at some point we will move to Abaco – we can’t wait. We hope it’s sooner than later, as we don’t really like Nassau, while Abaco is a little paradise we can’t wait to explore more in detail.

Lloyd is busy working hard, getting to know the new team, getting used to the local speed and ways, and bringing the technical part of the fleet back to speed. In the meanwhile, Ana is working remotely – from the boat/apartment, we are so lucky we can make it work this way!

So that’s a little update on our adventures, we promise more posts soon with more details and pictures!! Bahamas is an incredible part of the world and we want to explore every corner of it!!


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