Tacos for lunch!
I love this kind of food onboard (and everywhere). It’s so easy to prepare, fun to eat, and it’s delicious!
This can hardly be called a recipe, but this is how I prepared these tacos some days ago. I originally posted in on Instagram and Facebook, but I though about having it in the blog too.
They were really tasty, and also special for me, as they had some special ingredients that made them even better!
When making tacos, I always use the same "basics", and I add some variations to them. So I'm describing here my usual steps, and I'm detailing what I used this day too.

Tortillas: The more “homemade style” the better. I like small size ones.
I used corn tortillas I got in Orlando - they are awesome.
Greens: . Fresh salad. Tomato dice (for a juicy bit). Avocado (always!).
I used lettuce and red cabbage. And avocado
Protein: I used to use chicken. Just braised but better if marinated for more flavour. Fish is my new favourite now! I love fish tacos and I have to order them wherever I go.
What you see in the pictures is Tempeh*
Sauce: You choose! Yoghurt (my usual), cocktail sauce, salsa, guacamole, lime juice, all of the above!
For this recipe I used a local tamarind spicy bbq sauce that I got in the farmers market some weeks ago and it’s to die for!! I also added a bit of yoghurt to some of them
Optional (but wow!) Pickled onions** (see below)

I am not a vegetarian, but in the last few years, I have reduced my meat and fish consumption. Basically vegetarian at home/boat and meat or fish if I feel like it whenever I go out. I have been trying vegetarian options for years now but it’s only last week that I tried tempeh, and I loved it!!! I’ve tried marinating it in soya sauce for some minutes before cooking. But for the tacos, I just braised it. I will do this again for sure.
** Pickled onions:
So easy to make at home, and they add a tasty touch to many dishes! Just slice as thin as possible an onion (better if purple). Heat 50ml of water, 50ml of white or cider vinegar and ½ teaspoon of sugar until the sugar dissolves. Pour it on top of the onion, add some spices (black pepper, chilis…) and let it rest for at least 30 minutes. Keeps well in the fridge for weeks!
