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A little bit about our adventures

Ancla 1
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Hi, thanks for dropping by!


Are you a member of the community?

We are so happy that you like our adventures and you want to follow what we are up to!


In our blog, we will be sharing with you our latest adventures, and other content as onboard cooking ideas, sailing tricks, repairs...


But in this section, we want to keep some information only for our "virtual crew", as our way to thank our Patreons


We are looking forward to having you too as part of this community so you have full access to the content: you only have to become one of our Patreons. It's very easy and the cost is less than the price of a coffee or beer per month!


We would be very happy if you join us. You just have to click HERE and see all the options


Once you are a Patreon, log in to this website and you will have access to the full content!


Thank you for joining!


Lloyd, Ana

& the rest of the crew




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where is sailing vessel ambrym
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Access for Members only!!

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